Express delivery of Acoustic fence panels all across France and within 24h! It’s quite frequent to have very urgent demands of Acoustic fence panels and it’s possible to send them via Chronopost and receive them at customer site within less than 24h. The last one was...
Acoustic fence panels in Paris on Saint-Lazare station Acousteam just put in place new acoustic fence panels in Paris on Saint-Lazare station. Acousteam can offer a turn-key solution including the Acoustic fence panels fully customised to your needs (colour and...
Acoustic fence panels intallation in Monaco – Hôtel Hermitage On the Monaco rock there’s a lot of buildings but also a lot of roadworks! This is an ideal location for Acousteam Acoustic fence panels. This has been the choice of a very prestigious hôtel, the Hermitage...
Bâche anti-bruit à Paris installée par Acousteam Acousteam has been awarded with a very good contract and installed a giant noise barrier in Paris for a building renovation site. This barrier has been placed between two courtyards and allows to preserve the neighbours...