Legal Disclaimer
1. Presentation of the website.
According to the Article 6 of the French law number 2004-575 of the 21st of June 2004 regarding the confidence in digital economy, it is specified to the users of the website the identity of the different persons/companies involved in its creation and its maintenance:
Owner : ACOUSTEAM SARL – SIRET : 81257100800018 – 6 Allée Henri FRENAY 38000 Grenoble (FRANCE)
Designer : Pablo Gotor
Responsible of the publication : ACOUSTEAM SARL –
Webmaster : Pablo Gotor – contact at
Hosting services : OVH –
2. Website usage general conditions and services provided.
The usage of the website involves the plain and entire acceptance of the usage general conditions described below. These usage conditions could be modified or completed at any time, therefore the users of are invited to consult them regularly.
The website is updated regularly by ACOUSTEAM SARL. In the same way, its legal disclaimer can be modified at any time : However they are imposed to the user who is invited to refer to it as often as possible in order to take them into consideration.
3. Description of the services provided.
The aim of the website is to provide information regarding the entire activities of the company.
ACOUSTEAM SARL does its best to provide in its website information as accurate as possible. However, it can’t be taken responsible of any omissions, inaccuracy, or lacks regarding its updates, if they are its own fault or the 3rd party partner who provided the information.
All the information specified in the website is provided as a guide and can evolve. Besides, the information specified in the website are non-exhaustive. They are data under reserve of modification since they have been put on line.
4. Contractual limitations on technical data.
The website uses JavaScript technology.
The internet website can’t be held responsible of the hardware and software damages linked to the usage to this website. In addition, the website user commits to access this website using up to date hardware and software, that do not contain any virus and with the most up to date web-browser.
5. Intellectual property and Counterfeiting.
ACOUSTEAM SARL is the owner of the intellectual property rights or is holding the usage rights of all the elements accessible in the website, including texts, pictures *, designs, logo, icons, sounds, software.
* Some pictures are not contractual and are exclusive property of our suppliers, subcontractors or customers.
Any copy, display, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of elements’ website, whatever the way or process used, is forbidden, except with the preceding written authorisation of ACOUSTEAM SARL.
Any un-authorised usage of the website or any of its elements will be considered as counterfeiting and pursued according to the dispositions of Article L.335-2 and following the Code of Intellectual Property.
6. Limit of responsibilities.
ACOUSTEAM SARL can’t be taken accountable for any direct or indirect damages caused by the user’s hardware or software during the usage of the website. And resulting either of the usage of hardware or software not answering the specifications specified in point 4, or the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.
In addition, ACOUSTEAM SARL can’t be taken accountable of the indirect damages (as for example the loss of a potential customer) resulting from the usage of website.
7. Management of personal data.
In France, the personal data are protected under the law number 78-87 of the 6th f January 1978, law number 2004-801 of the 6th of August 2004, Article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of the 24th of October 1995.
By the usage of the website can be collected: the URL of the links from which the user accessed the website, the user’s access provider, the user’s IP address..
You can de-activate your subscription to the newsletter at any time through the link contained in the newsletter and therefore your Email address will be removed from our database.
In any case ACOUSTEAM SARL only collects users personal data for the needs of some services offered by the website.
The user provides his information in full knowledge of the cause, especially when he keyed them himself. It is then mentioned to the user of the website the need or not to provide this information.
In accordance with the dispositions of the article 38 and following the law 78-17 of the 6th of January 1978 related to Information technology, files and freedom, any user has the rights to access, rectify and contradict the personal data related to him by making written and signed demand, followed by a copy of his id card signed by its owner, specifying the address where the answer should be sent.
No user’s personal data of the website is published without the user’s knowledge, exchanged, transferred, sold or given up on any format to a third party.
Only the hypothesis of a purchase of ACOUSTEAM SARL and its rights will allow the transfer of the given information to the buyer who will himself remain under the obligation of keeping and modifying data related to the website.
This site is not declared to the CNIL as it doesn’t collect personal data.
The databases are protected under the dispositions of the law of the 1st of July 1998 transposing the directive 96/9 of the 11th of March 1996 related to the legal protection of databases.
8. Applicable law and jurisdiction awarding.
Any dispute related to the usage of the website will be submitted to the French law.
There’s an exclusive jurisdiction awarded to the Grenoble appropriate courthouse.
9. Main relevant laws.
Law number 78-87 of the 6th of January 1978, modified by the law number 2004-801 of the 6th of August 2004 related to Information technology, files and freedom.
Law number 2004-575 of the 21st of June 2004 for the confidence in digital economy.
10. Glossary.
User : Internet user connecting and using the aforementioned website.
Personal Data : « Data allowing, in any shape or form, directly or indirectly, the identification of physical persons to who it applies » (article 4 of the law number 78-17 of the 6th of January 1978).